God has challenged me to write about how He will supernaturally pay off our mortgage in 5 years. I am a homemaker, my husband is a teacher, and we have three children. Our mortgage balance at the start of this blog is $97,802.62 with a projected payoff date of May 11, 2035.

Sounds foolish, huh? The Bible says that, "...God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise;..." So I am choosing to be foolish and trust Him. He's never let me down before.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Today during my morning walk I had a billion thoughts floating around in my head.  So much so that about a block into walking it dawned on me that I hadn't yet read my scripture card.  Glancing down at it with anticipation I smiled on inside as I read a favorite and familiar verse.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16

How I love this verse!  Passing the townhouses further down in our development I began to meditate on what the word "ordained" means.  Allowed.  Permitted.  Cleared.  Approved.  Then I remembered specific times in my life of abuse, marital turmoil, parenting struggles, financial devastation...God okay-ed all of these parts of my life.  They were given clearance to be a part of my story.  And in every instance they have built me up as a person, made my life better, and given me more faith in Jesus.

Why does God allow suffering?  Because it reminds us to trust in Him and not in ourselves.

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