God has challenged me to write about how He will supernaturally pay off our mortgage in 5 years. I am a homemaker, my husband is a teacher, and we have three children. Our mortgage balance at the start of this blog is $97,802.62 with a projected payoff date of May 11, 2035.

Sounds foolish, huh? The Bible says that, "...God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise;..." So I am choosing to be foolish and trust Him. He's never let me down before.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Latest Craze--Addendum

Please check out the link below which features a Focus on the Family article about video games.  Many comments follow after the article.  What are your thoughts?


Monday, May 28, 2012

The Latest Craze

On Saturday Ross and I had a "date day".  He asked if I wanted to go to yard sales together during our time.  His suggestion was meant to bless me because, of the two of us, yard sales are more of my thing.  So after going out to breakfast, we spent our entire date going to people's homes and looking at the unwanted things in their front yards.  Pretty romantic if you ask me :-)

A few days before we went, I checked out the newspaper and Craig's List to map out our time.  A couple of the destinations I looked at listed video game players like Kinect that were being sold.  Our children don't have any video game consoles or Nintendo DS or Ipods or cell phones.  They are 6, 10, and 12 years old.  Believe me, we do hear about it.  Our middle son has come home in a huff saying that he's bored because he doesn't have any handheld games like the other kids.  Our oldest daughter was relentlessly praying for a Iphone (preferably green) for her 12th birthday, and our youngest asks about going over to the neighbor's to "play with him" (which translates into playing video games with him).  Needless to say, my mind has volleyed back and forth between the pros and cons of getting them some of these electronic devices.  So when I saw these items advertised, I have to admit that there was a "maybe" in my head.

Well, instead of electronic items, we ended up buying a brain teaser book, books for the 6 year old, and a few board games.  To say that they have been enjoying our purchases is an understatement.  One game in particular, Stratego, is a favorite.  All of the kids, even the youngest, have been obsessed with the game.  The best part is that it takes 2 people to play the game.  So they have to communicate, interact, and participate with another person in order to experience the enjoyment of the game.  Unfortunately, too many devices in our world today promote isolation instead of fellowship.  I'm thankful that board games and books are still the latest craze in the Webb household.

Memorial Day ~ Morgan

When I think about Memorial Day, I think about how the soldiers are like us Christians. We both fight for a better place. We both have "presidents". But, in the end we all die. We fall into the hands of the enemy or to fall into a hands of a loved one. And I realize a friend could go to hell because I didn't offer an invitation to Jesus.    Amen and have a blessed day.


                           ~End transmission~

Memorial Day--Hunter

What I said about Memorial Day was that soldiers dying for us is like Jesus dying to allow us to be free, and be able to go to heaven when we die. Jesus also died to free us from the law, just as soldiers can die for us to protect us from other countries who try to destroy us.

Memorial Day--Blaise

I want to give the soldiers beef jerky.  they would like it.  i ilke it to     i the blaiser will come back.  i  need you to win.

Memorial Day

Today at the breakfast table I asked the kids if they knew why we celebrate Memorial Day.  Blaise answered that we celebrate it to remember the presidents like Lincoln.  Morgan and Hunter answered that we celebrate it to remember the soldiers that died to serve us.  Then I asked them if they knew of someone else who was like a soldier, sacrificing life to serve others.  The 3 posts that follow are their responses.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crevice Tool

Yesterday the weather started out in the low 60s, so I planned to take on the task of washing the van later on in the day.  However, later in the day it was much cooler and the sky looked like rain was on the way.  So instead I decided that I would vacuum the inside of the van, a task which I could abruptly conclude if the weather did not cooperate.

It had probably been more than six months since the van was last vacuumed.  I found french fries, gravel, scraps of paper, a Canadian coin, and other hidden "treasures" all throughout the vehicle.  The debris was everywhere, including underneath nooks and inside little crannies that could not easily be reached.

'Now where's my crevice tool?' I thought.  The crevice tool is a long, thin, attachment on my vacuum with a narrow slit-like opening.  It can reach inside all of those tight spots and get out everything that's hiding.  Even when I don't see the debris with my own eyes, I can shove the crevice tool in there and it sucks it out everytime without fail.

Did you know that the word of God is our crevice tool as Christians?  Hebrews 4:12-13 says,

For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-eged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

God sees everything and His word reveals that which is in us that we do not see or that we choose to ignore.  Have you ever heard a minister or other Christian speaker preach and wonder, 'How did they know I was struggling with that?' or 'Did my friend tell the preacher about me?'  When a message is spoken using the word of God, it's like my crevice tool.  It gets to your innermost self and reveals truth.  The beautiful part of all this is that when we acknowledge the truth and do what God is telling us to do, we will be set free.